
Cosmetic Acupuncture & Acusculpting

A holistic alternative to traditional botox based treatments, Acupuncture facials include an acupressure facial massage prior to treatment, with 30-40 minutes of microneedling of facial lines, groves, pigmentations, and highlighting musculature. These treatments can include highlighting lips, cheekbone structure, jaw line, and more. Treatments work to improve circulation and cell turnover in o... Read More

A holistic alternative to traditional botox based treatments, Acupuncture facials include an acupressure facial massage prior to treatment, with 30-40 minutes of microneedling of facial lines, groves, pigmentations, and highlighting musculature. These treatments can include highlighting lips, cheekbone structure, jaw line, and more. Treatments work to improve circulation and cell turnover in order to promote the flow of essential nutrients for stimulating collagen. All acu-facial treatments conclude with applying hyaluronic and copper peptides to support post-treatment effectiveness.

Astro-Wellness Chart Reading

Astro-Wellness Chart Readings you’ll have your chart broken down by each house, giving deeper insight into your sun, rising, moon, etc., and any highlighted aspects that may be impacting themes and areas of your life. These can include a broad range of topics that interest you to dive more deeply into within the context of medical astrology- chronic health conditions in the birth chart, relatio... Read More

Astro-Wellness Chart Readings you’ll have your chart broken down by each house, giving deeper insight into your sun, rising, moon, etc., and any highlighted aspects that may be impacting themes and areas of your life. These can include a broad range of topics that interest you to dive more deeply into within the context of medical astrology- chronic health conditions in the birth chart, relationship patterns, emotional/psychological dynamics, and a variety of other topics.

Included in the Astro-Wellness treatment:
* 1.5 hour chart reading geared towards your focused goal for the session
* A personalized take-home PDF booklet with astro wellness guide breakdowns of your chart, house by house, important planetary aspects in your chart, and constitutional lifestyle & diet recommendations specific to your elemental constitution for supporting those subtle long-term shifts.

You'll need to book an Astro-Wellness appointment first before being eligible to receive a Astro-5 element acupuncture treatment. These are separate modality offerings from our regular basic Acupuncture services.

Tui Na: Chinese Massage Therapy

A complimentary Message Therapy in TCM. techniques are similar to conventional Swedish-style massage and include techniques such as gliding (Tui), kneading (Na), percussion (Da), friction Heating, pulling, rotation, rocking, vibration, and shaking. Tui Na has the ability to resolve specific problems related to chronic pain in a musculoskeletal system such as joints, Muscles, and Bone Struc... Read More

A complimentary Message Therapy in TCM. techniques are similar to conventional Swedish-style massage and include techniques such as gliding (Tui), kneading (Na), percussion (Da), friction Heating, pulling, rotation, rocking, vibration, and shaking.

Tui Na has the ability to resolve specific problems related to chronic pain in a musculoskeletal system such as joints, Muscles, and Bone Structures. muscle spasms, and pain in the back, neck, and shoulders. All in which improves the functions of channels, internal organs, tendons, bones and joints.


Fire cupping promotes healing through non-invasive methods. About five to seven cups are applied during the session for about three minutes at a time. The suction under the cup causes the blood vessels to expand, encouraging blood flow and improving circulation. Cupping promotes intravascular fluid exchanges within the applied area to promote new blood to flood the area with fresh blood to prom... Read More

Fire cupping promotes healing through non-invasive methods. About five to seven cups are applied during the session for about three minutes at a time. The suction under the cup causes the blood vessels to expand, encouraging blood flow and improving circulation. Cupping promotes intravascular fluid exchanges within the applied area to promote new blood to flood the area with fresh blood to prompt healing cascades.

Originally used by the ancient Chinese, Egyptian, and Middle Eastern cultures cupping is an ancient form of traditional medicine that is performed by placing cups on the skin, in order to create suction. Today, it is used as a way to relieve pain, promote relaxation, enhance blood flow, and ease inflammation.

Therapeutic Benefits include:

Myofascial release

Improvement to Thoracic, Lumbar, and Cervical Mobility

Improve circulation to Relive Aches
Tissue Repair
Relieve Chest tightness
Alleviate menstrual cramps
Decrease digestive problems

Shi Liao- Diet Therapy Consult & Organ Nutrition

TCM Diet therapy (Shi Liao) is the art and science of combining foods based on their energetic properties and tastes. the diversity of different foods in the diet is an integral part of treating and preventing disease in TCM. Shi Liao is a great foundational approach to your healing Journey with Chinese medicine. It is a powerful way to complement acupuncture, herbal, and other approaches ... Read More

TCM Diet therapy (Shi Liao) is the art and science of combining foods based on their energetic properties and tastes. the diversity of different foods in the diet is an integral part of treating and preventing disease in TCM.

Shi Liao is a great foundational approach to your healing Journey with Chinese medicine. It is a powerful way to complement acupuncture, herbal, and other approaches within Chinese medicine.

Meet Atisa, a dedicated acupuncturist on your journey to wellness, or for patients who are transitioning into parenthood! With a passion for holistic wellness and Traditional Chinese Medicine, Atisa will collaborate with you on your health goals and concerns through every stage of this journey. As a nurturing acupuncturist, they bring a gentle touch and profound understanding of Chinese Medicine diagnosis, offering safe and effective treatments.

With their expert care, you can relax, recalibrate, and restore, knowing you’re in the hands of a practitioner who cares about your well-being, and the health of your growing family. Experience the restorative power of acupuncture and embark on this new chapter by booking an acupuncture appointment today.

More About Your Practitioner —— Atisa Rashidi ( she/hers, they/them) is a college licensed Acupuncturist (R.Ac) offering Acupuncture, Tui Na Massage, Fire-Cupping, Moxibustion therapy, Shi Liao TCM food therapy, and more.

Within their offerings they are also adept in western alchemical herbalism, crafting custom high potency spagyric extracts of western herbs. Their goal is to provide clients with a practical set of therapy modalities to live their fullest selves inside and out. They have 8 years experience in medical astrology chart readings and separately offer spagyric extracts to experiment with and catalyze growth in specific areas of your birth chart.

Previous to studying Chinese Medicine, Atisa has studied with Sajah Popham, Robert Bartlett, and has been an operative alchemy apprenticeship with IG while also completing their doctorate in Traditional Chinese Medicine at Pacific Rim College. Atisa’s primary practice is grounded in Chinese Medicine Organ theory, 8 principles, and 5 element acupuncture to potentiate clients’ growth in body, mind, and spirit. Explore the many options in which you can work with them to foster inner evolution and holistic wellness.

Meet Atisa, a dedicated acupuncturist on your journey to wellness, or for patients who are trans... Read More

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